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Dr. Rukaari officially opens an INNOVATION HUB & SKILLING CENTRE in Mbarara City.

MBARARA CITY: The aspiring MP for Mbarara North, Dr. Robert Mwesigwa Rukaari yesterday (8th|08|2020) officially opened an INNOVATION HUB & SKILLING CENTRE at the Ankole Garden Mall in Mbarara City.

I started the centre as my way of empowering youth and women with skills aimed at reducing unemployment, increase productivity and income as well as promoting innovation. Rukaari
Dr. Rukaari addressing his guests at Ankole Gardens Mall.

The scientific function was officiated by United Nations Resident Representative in Uganda, H.E Rosa Malango, and graced by a few invited guessed in an effort to comply with COVID 19 presidential guidelines.

H.E Rosa Malango and Dr. Yukaari during the function.

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