Equity Bank, in collaboration with the Kenya High Commission and Million Trees International, has launched a significant tree-planting initiative aimed at restoring forest cover on the slopes of Mwiri Hill, home to Busoga College Mwiri. The project will see over 43,000 indigenous trees planted, along with the establishment of a 10-acre orchard.
With a financial commitment of Shs85 million from Equity Bank, the three-phase project was officially inaugurated during a tree-planting event at the school, led by Kenya's High Commissioner to Uganda, Maj. Gen. George Owinow, and Equity Bank Executive Director Elizabeth Mwerinde Kasedde. The event saw participation from members of the Old Boys Association, school members, officials from Million Trees International, and the local community.
Ms. Mwerinde emphasized Equity Bank's focus on sustainable finance, stating, "At Equity, we are committed to promoting sustainable solutions for preserving natural environments through partnerships with various organizations."
Maj. Gen. George Owinow highlighted the initiative's contribution to addressing climate change and engaging young people in environmental conservation, while Dr. Jibril Semakula Owomugisha of Million Trees International urged students to embrace environmental conservation practices.
Busoga College Mwiri, situated on the slopes of Mwiri Hill, has witnessed forest degradation over the years due to human activities such as farming and commercial ventures, leading to erosion and environmental degradation.
The reforestation of Mwiri Hill aligns with Equity Group's wider goal of planting 35 million trees across the six countries it operates in. Technical partners will provide support, including hotspot identification, mapping of agro-ecological zones, and supervision of tree planting and maintenance.
Equity Bank's Energy and Environment pillar supports the transition to clean energy and offers the Equi-Green Loan, aimed at enabling communities and institutions to access clean and affordable energy sources. Additionally, Equity works with farmers to facilitate the purchase of indigenous and fruit tree seedlings, further contributing to environmental sustainability and community development.